
Photo author Ventspils hronikas arhīvs

Publish date 24.04.2023

5月6日11:00,在精彩的自行车之旅探险乐园将开启文茨皮尔斯夏季和自行车旅游季。 在拉脱维亚,今年的标志是拉脱维亚歌舞庆典,因此,自行车骑行选择了相应的座右铭“Velodancis”,因此,我们邀请旅行的参与者思考他们自行车和衣服的视觉设计,装饰自行车,选择具有民俗元素的衣服,并在响亮的歌声中出发。

上午10:00至下午12:00可能会限行和封路,市内公共交通也将受到限制,因此公交线路可能会取消或延误。 您可以拨打63622422了解有关公共交通变化的信息。

自行车骑行将沿着两条赛道进行 – 长赛道(8.6千米)和儿童赛道(2.1千米)。将在文茨皮尔斯探险乐园集合。孩子们将最先进入赛道,10:00-10:10集合,10:15开始。 10:15.

儿童距离(2.1千米) – 从探险乐园出发 – 索莱斯路 – 先锋路 – 加尼布路 – 克鲁斯卡尔努路 – 在探险乐园结束。

长赛道参与者,10:30-10:55在起点集合,11:00开始。 11:00.

长赛道(8.6千米) – 从探险乐园出发 – 索莱斯路 – 利莱斯大街 – 克罗纽路 – 洛楚路 – K. 瓦尔德马拉路 – 奥斯塔斯路 – 普拉米尤路 – 库尔迪加斯路 – 加尼布路 – 克鲁斯卡尔努路 – 终点在探险乐园。


Safety comes first!

Please keep in mind that all participants are required to wear a helmet to prevent severe injuries during the ride. No cyclist is immune to making accidental mistakes. Between a scratched and cracked helmet and a head injury, choose the former one! In addition, the law requires all children under the age 12 to wear a helmet.

The event is organised within the European Union project No. ‘Measures for the Promotion of Public Health and Disease Prevention in Ventspils’. The project aims at encouraging the individuals to change their health habits and to improve the availability of health promotion and disease prevention services to the residents. The project activities include the promotion of physical activities, healthy diet, and mental health.

For more information, visit the website of the State City of Ventspils: www.ventspils.lv.

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