Photo author Ventspils Komunālā pārvalde

Publish date 08.06.2023

With the start of reconstruction works on Ostas Street from Jāņa Street to Dārzu Street, significant road traffic restrictions have been imposed also on Pils Street, where one-way traffic has been established during construction.

In order to improve the organisation of vehicle traffic during the reconstruction works on Ostas Street, one-way traffic is now , now established on the section of Pils Street between Ostas Street and Lielā Street, in the direction from Ostas Street to Lielā Street. The main changes also affect the section of Ostas Street itself to be reconstructed, from Jāņa iela to Dārzu iela, where traffic is completely closed.

Following the order of Freeport of Ventspils Authority, the construction contractor SIA “VIA” is expected to complete the reconstruction of Ostas Street by the end of this year. According to the Freeport of Ventspils Authority, the reconstruction of Ostas Street will be the final stage of the access road renovation and reconstruction project implemented by the Freeport of Ventspils Authority. Until the end of 2023, Ventspils is in the process of renovating or constructing 19 sections of access roads covering almost 13 kilometres. The total eligible cost of the project is EUR 19.65 million. 85% of the eligible costs are covered by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union.

Ventspils Municipality apologises for any inconvenience caused by the ongoing road construction works, which are likely to disrupt the daily routine of residents for months to come. However, patience is needed to create a modern and efficient road network in the City, so residents are encouraged to be understanding and to choose other routes to reach their destinations during the construction works.

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