The musical show by Nika Matvejev and Marat Samauska is based on the motifs of Margarita Staraste’s fairy tale “Kraukščitis”. A Christmas story about the adventures of the gingerbread man, in which he will meet a bear, a jackal, a crow, leaves, squirrels, a duck, a dog, the Snow family, snowflakes, and of course – Snow White and Lettuce! Cast: Zigurds Neimanis, Jānis Kirmuška, Laila Kirmuška, Edgars Lipors, Sandija Misika, Sandis Berghold, Laima Miltiņa, Māris Skrodis, Dace Makovska, etc. The performance is intended for viewers from the age of 5.
A ticket must be purchased for every spectator, regardless of age. A ticket for a child is purchased for a visit to the theater, so it is necessary regardless of whether the child sits in a separate chair or on an adult’s lap.