16 Jan.2025 until 19 Jan.2025 Science centre VIZIUM Science show Zinātnes burvju skola (School of Science Wizards) at the Ventspils Science Centre VIZIUM. The Magic School of Science is a mysterious and captivating place where science merges with the world of magic. In this school, both practical spells and chemistry knowledge are learned. Visitors to the Magic School…
16 Jan.2025 until 19 Jan.2025 Science centre VIZIUM Science show Enerģija (Energy) at the Ventspils Science Centre VIZIUM. The School of Science Wizards is a mysterious and exciting place where science merges with the world of magic. At this school, visitors will learn both practical spells and the wonders of chemistry. Attendees of…
17 Jan.2025 18:00 Popes kultūras nams, “Gobas”, Popes pagasts, Ventspils novads 794th anniversary of Pope A long, long time ago, 1231. 17 january, the name of Pope was first mentioned in writings. That’s why it has become a tradition to celebrate anniversaries with amateur art groups. Free entrance for everyone. Free
16 Jan.2025 until 19 Jan.2025 Science centre VIZIUM Science show Zinātnes burvju skola (School of Science Wizards) at the Ventspils Science Centre VIZIUM. The Magic School of Science is a mysterious and captivating place where science merges with the world of magic. In this school, both practical spells and chemistry knowledge are learned. Visitors to the Magic School…
16 Jan.2025 until 19 Jan.2025 Science centre VIZIUM Science show Enerģija (Energy) at the Ventspils Science Centre VIZIUM. The School of Science Wizards is a mysterious and exciting place where science merges with the world of magic. At this school, visitors will learn both practical spells and the wonders of chemistry. Attendees of…
17 Jan.2025 18:00 Popes kultūras nams, “Gobas”, Popes pagasts, Ventspils novads 794th anniversary of Pope A long, long time ago, 1231. 17 january, the name of Pope was first mentioned in writings. That’s why it has become a tradition to celebrate anniversaries with amateur art groups. Free entrance for everyone. Free