Sestdien, 8. februārī, plkst. 13.00 Gāliņciema bibliotēkā notiks fotogrāfiju un gleznu izstādes “Etiopija – senatnes dvesma” atklāšana un tikšanās ar ceļotāju Indru Lielkāju – Landscape architects who deeply love Africa and Ethiopia can call them their second home.
The traveling exhibition features photographs by Juris Lielkājs and paintings by Ethiopian artist Samuel Abebe Tilahuna. Juris Lielkājs has traveled extensively through African countries, and he considers Ethiopia to be one of the most colorful, with its tribes, nature, and culture. Photography is Juris’ passion and hobby. The works included in the exhibition at the Gāliņciems library will be displayed in two parts – one part will be exhibited from the 8th.
till 28.
february, and the second part will be available for viewing from March 1st to 29th.