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Spring solstice in Jūrkalne
The Spring Equinox marks the moment when the day becomes longer than the night, nature awakens to new life, and it is the perfect time to draw energy from the sun and the earth’s strength. We invite everyone to join this tradition-rich celebration in Jūrkalne, where we will honor the return of the sun.
In the morning – sunrise greeting on the cliffs
At 6:35 AM, we will gather at the Jūrkalne cliffs to greet the rising sun with songs and rituals, following ancient customs.
In the evening – celebrating the Spring Equinox at the Windmill House
At 5:30 PM, we will celebrate spring by the Windmill House with swinging, egg painting and rolling, various games, and other activities.
Sunset farewell by the sea
Before the sun rests, we will head to the sea to bid it farewell and end the day together.

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