
Photo author Ventspils Tūrisma informācijas centra foto arhīvs

Year: 2016

Design author: German architect Deivids Kuks

Lielais Square has become a popular place for taking walks, resting and meeting locals as well as guests – the unique Frigate “Whale” (orig. “FREGATE “VALZIVS””, henceforth “FRIGATE “WHALE””) fountain revealed in 2016, the angular relief and the gorgeous greenery create a special atmosphere.

During the daytime, the fountain, which opens up differently and diversely from every viewpoint, complements the magnificent and modern features of the Great Square, but when it gets dark, it is illuminated and creates a special mood for visitors and passers-by of the Great Square.

The compositional solution of the fountain is based on the material found in the historical visual materials about the external appearance of the sailing ship “Whale” in Duke Jēkab’s fleet – the parameters of the sailing ship, including the number of masts, height, overall length and configuration of the ship. The fountain consists of a total of 20 masts, 8 masts, as well as a flag mast equipped with lighting and fog effects.

German architect David Kuks, the author of the design of the Frigate “Whale”, is also the author of the music school with the function of a concert hall and the improvement project of the Great Square.


The improvement of Ventspils Great Square and its main accent – the fountain “Frigate “Whale” won a silver award at the American Industrial Design Union competition IDSA –2017, which is one of the world’s most prestigious design shows. The award was received in the nomination “ENVIRONMENT”.

The fountain Frigate “Whale” has already won the Gold Award in the international competition A`Design Award in Italy, as well as the highest rating in several Latvian-wide competitions – Construction of Latvia 2016. the special award for technology and design innovations of the year, the Best Building of the Year in Latvia in the nomination of the first place in the Landscape and Designers Union of Latvia competition of the annual award in the category Environmental design and its subsection Environmental improvement objects.


fregate valzivs

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