Photo author Ventspils Tūrisma informācijas centra foto arhīvs

Ostgals is a quiet part of the city that formed as a result of the Russian government in 1836 offering to the local peasants privileges for settling in the city’s dune area, in order to prevent the wind from carrying sand into the city.

Nowadays Ostgals is regarded as a special and romantic spot with quiet cobblestone streets, attractive 19th century wooden buildings and ever present geraniums on the window sills.

stgals is listed as a national monument of urban architecture.

2009. gadā pēc apjomīgas rekonstrukcijas par rosību Ostgalā gādā pilsētas Teātra nams „Jūras vārti”. Visu gadu šeit būs koncerti, izstādes, teātra izrādes, svētki un balles.

Pils iela 92

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