Photo author Užavas luterāņu baznīcas foto arhīvs

It is the only Lutheran church in Latvia that hasn’t got a tower. The church has four-slope roof, yet two bells are situated beneath the wooden roof near the main entrance.

The first Lutheran church of Užava was built in 1616 and it was made of wood. After the fire in 1747 the new wooden church was built, but it became too small. That is why in 1783 present stone church was built. Two interesting weathercocks have remained from 1784; they have letters PHC written on them – in means that the church was built in command of duke Peter von Biron. Present altar (altar piece “Jesus Christ”) and pulpit are from XIX century.

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Kalves, Užava, Užavas pagasti, LV-3627, Latvija

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