On 27 August at 11.00 in the Children’s Town and at 15.00 in the Children’s Park “Fantāzija”, families with children are invited to take part in an exciting children’s disco with policeman Ēriks!
The disco is designed as a journey where, through dance and music, children get to know different countries, their cultures, dance traditions and values, with the aim of making the world a better place. The event will start with a warm-up dance led by Ēriks and the disco journey slogan “Aijaijai!”. Drosmīgākajiem būs iespēja piedalīties karaoke pie mikrofona, lai izpaustu savas dziedāšanas prasmes.
The bravest will have the opportunity to karaoke at the microphone to express their singing skills. The event’s host, Ēriks Balodis, can be proud of positive feedback. Durbe Preschool “Ābolītis”: “It is amazing how in each performance the artist is able to combine issues of current interest in education with themes that are close to the children and that they can understand.”
Admission is free is charge.
The event is organised by the Ventspils Culture Centre and supported by the Ventspils State City Municipality.