23 Mar.2025 13:00 Olimpiskais centrs "Ventspils" basketbola halle Best Baltic Basketball League tournament for boys born in 2011. Ventspils “Spars” – Central Basket Free
23 Mar.2025 14:00 Ugale folk house "Gaisma" Theatre Day in Ugāle Ugāle amateur theatre “Ugāle drāma” premieres “The Adventures of Binkle and Flip”. Based on a short story by Enid Blyton. V. Singajevska and V. Eglītis’ children’s song play. Free entrance. Admission is free of charge. Free
23 Mar.2025 16:00 Tārgales pamatskola Stand-up performance “I’ll tell jokes” in Pope Maksims Trivaškevičs will be visiting the hall of Tārgale Primary School to launch his fourth solo performance “I’ll tell jokes”! The hour-long programme will be exactly about what it says in the title. The performance…
23 Mar.2025 13:00 Olimpiskais centrs "Ventspils" basketbola halle Best Baltic Basketball League tournament for boys born in 2011. Ventspils “Spars” – Central Basket Free
23 Mar.2025 14:00 Ugale folk house "Gaisma" Theatre Day in Ugāle Ugāle amateur theatre “Ugāle drāma” premieres “The Adventures of Binkle and Flip”. Based on a short story by Enid Blyton. V. Singajevska and V. Eglītis’ children’s song play. Free entrance. Admission is free of charge. Free
23 Mar.2025 16:00 Tārgales pamatskola Stand-up performance “I’ll tell jokes” in Pope Maksims Trivaškevičs will be visiting the hall of Tārgale Primary School to launch his fourth solo performance “I’ll tell jokes”! The hour-long programme will be exactly about what it says in the title. The performance…