Photo author Ventspils foto arhīvs

On 24 and 25 August, Ventspils will host the traditional Belarusian Culture Days featuring the international festival “Summer Games” with a broad lineup of participants from various Latvian cities, as well as vocal groups from Poland and Lithuania. The Belarusian Culture Days are organised by the Belarusian association “Spadčina”.

25 August at 15:00 Closing event of the Belarusian Culture Days at the Parventa Stage. featuring the Belarusian song ensembles Svitanak (Belastoka, Poland), Kupalinka (Klaipeda, Lithuania); Zuravinka (Ventspils) and Razdolje (Livani), as well as Ventspils soloist Irina Polakova-Ratnere. Themed activities for children. Admission is free of charge. The event is financially supported by Ventspils State City Municipality.

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