
Photo author Ventspils bibliotēka

on September 23 at 19.00 The concert of Kristaps Vanadzisna’s solo tour “Portreti” will be held in Parventa library.

The evening is expected in a sensual atmosphere, as the musician reveals and paints his portrait in piano music. It is an opportunity to travel in space and time, enjoying the music from the vinyl record “The Love Garden Has Overgrown” in Vanadziņa’s solo performance. On the other hand, some lucky listeners will have the opportunity to experience how the musician creates their portrait in piano music through improvisation.

Kristaps Vanadziņš is one of today’s leading jazz pianists in Latvia, who updated the composition of jazz trios.

Tickets can be purchased at bilesuparadize.lv or kristapsvanadzinsh.com.

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