Daniels Kasaress  / Daniel Casares- guitar Pedro Kordoba ,/ Pedro Córdoba – dance, clapping Hesuss Korbačo, ​​/ Jesús Corbacho – singing, clapping José Manuel Posada “Popo”/ José Manuel Posada “Popo” – bass guitar Manuel Valencia​​,  ​​/​​ Manuel Valencia -​​ ​​beating with hands Miguel Ortizss,  ​​/ Miguel Ortiz “Nene” – percussion

It’s not the place where you start or the destination you’re going to, but the experiences,  emotions  and  knowledge  you’ve gained on this road called life.  /Daniel Casares/ Daniel  Casares  is going  on a European  concert tour. The outstanding flamenco guitarist returns to Eastern Europe, bringing with him the magical atmosphere of the Mediterranean lands, which inspires with its power, poetic magic and a sense of the presence of the gods.

In this musical event, beautiful melodies will be played , which will allow you to feel the land where olive and laurel trees grow greenest. All around a carousel of palm trees and arpeggios capable of taming the fiercest Poseidon. Bulerías*, tango and other diversepalo* creates a concert program that is woven  p​​from sensual notes and delicious nuances, the sole purpose of which is to let the listeners, surrounded by flamenco, drown in an endless sea of happiness and peace.

*Bulerias – Heresas de la Fronteras characteristic flamenco style

*Palo – Traditional music forms in the flamenco genre.

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