Ethno-pop music group “Tautumeitas” with the program of their current album “Skrejceļš”  has just completed a successful nine-concert tour in Latvia, performing in such cities as Daugavpils, Alūksne, Valmiera, Talsi, Liepāja, Riga, Jelgava, Ādaži and Cēsis. The second part of the tour will take place in the spring of 2023 and the group will perform on March 24 in Livani, March 31 in Smiltene, April 14 in Stopinu parish, April 15 in Ventspils, and the final concert of the tour is expected on April 22 in Rēzekne.

Remembering the autumn tour, “Tautumeitas” says: “It was a wonderful and powerful trip, during which we stopped in all regions of Latvia and met wonderful people. We are ready for the next and final stage of the “Runway”  in the spring. At the Latgale embassy “Gors” we will celebrate not only the end of the tour, but also the one-year anniversary of the album “Skrejceļš”. The album “Skrejceļš” was released in April 2022 and it was created together with the long-time music producer of the group, Reini Sējanas, Swedish producer Povel Olsson (who worked with the group “Prāta Vētra”) and Arni Rachinski.

The album contains 14 songs, including such songs as   “Muoseņa”, “Guli guli”, “Panama” and “Meža”. You can listen to the album “Skrejceļš” here- 

Video for the song “Wine for the Otter” – 

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