26 Sep.2023 17:30 Ūdens Piedzīvojuma parka atlētikas zālē European Sports Week event – Zumba class led by trainer Zane Kalniņa European Sports Week event – Zumba class led by trainer Zane Kalniņa Free lesson. Free
27 Sep.2023 16:00 Ventspils Jaunrades nams APPLE FESTIVAL Waiting for autumn, we will celebrate the "Apple Festival" in the yard of Ventspils Jaunrades House. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to take part in creative workshops, games, and activities where the… Free
27 Sep.2023 16:00 Bērnu bibliotēka Crafts workshop “A Day with Grandma and Grandpa” Crafts workshop “A Day with Grandma and Grandpa” Crafting of small movable dolls. Materials – pictures, modelling clay, bottle caps, glue, markers, etc. Free
26 Sep.2023 17:30 Ūdens Piedzīvojuma parka atlētikas zālē European Sports Week event – Zumba class led by trainer Zane Kalniņa European Sports Week event – Zumba class led by trainer Zane Kalniņa Free lesson. Free
27 Sep.2023 16:00 Ventspils Jaunrades nams APPLE FESTIVAL Waiting for autumn, we will celebrate the "Apple Festival" in the yard of Ventspils Jaunrades House. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to take part in creative workshops, games, and activities where the… Free
27 Sep.2023 16:00 Bērnu bibliotēka Crafts workshop “A Day with Grandma and Grandpa” Crafts workshop “A Day with Grandma and Grandpa” Crafting of small movable dolls. Materials – pictures, modelling clay, bottle caps, glue, markers, etc. Free