The participants are Marlēna Keine (soprano), Ilona Birľele (organ).

This year, the Concert Hall Latvija launches new music sessions entitled The Sunday of Organ Music to demonstrate the diverse sound of the organ. This year, the Concert Hall Latvija launches new music sessions entitled The Sunday of Organ Music to demonstrate the diverse sound of the organ. The concert Upon Sunrise, which will be taking place on the first day of Easter, will focus on the music of Latvian composers with its uplifting message of hope. The concert will feature the music of composers A. Kalėjas, M. Zariņš, R. Dubras, L. Sneibes, R. Jermak, J.S. Bach, S. Frank and V. A. Mozart.

The concert is organised by SIA “Kurzemes filharmonija”. The event is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the municipality of the Ventspils State City.

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