30 Mar.2024 18:00 Ventspils Kultūras centrs Men’s choir concert “Mūzika mūžīgā, plaukstošā” (The Eternal and Thriving Music) Men’s choir concert “Mūzika mūžīgā, plaukstošā” (The Eternal and Thriving Music). Guests: Women’s choir “Durbe” from Durbe, Stende Community Centre’s men’s vocal ensemble “Stende”, vocal ensemble “Ventiņ”. Ticket price: EUR 3.00. Available at the ticket…
31 Mar.2024 11:00 Ventspils Bērnu pilsētiņa Event for families with children “Colourful Easter” Event for families with children “Colourful Easter”. Various traditional and non-traditional activities in Easter mood. Hosted by the folklore studio “Vācelīte”, performances by the pop studio “Jūras akmentiņi”. Free
31 Mar.2024 11:00 Zlēku kultūras nams, Zlēku pag., Ventspils novads Easter event at Zlēki Culture House Easter event at Zlēki Culture House. Traditional festive games, egg-rolling. Free admission.
30 Mar.2024 18:00 Ventspils Kultūras centrs Men’s choir concert “Mūzika mūžīgā, plaukstošā” (The Eternal and Thriving Music) Men’s choir concert “Mūzika mūžīgā, plaukstošā” (The Eternal and Thriving Music). Guests: Women’s choir “Durbe” from Durbe, Stende Community Centre’s men’s vocal ensemble “Stende”, vocal ensemble “Ventiņ”. Ticket price: EUR 3.00. Available at the ticket…
31 Mar.2024 11:00 Ventspils Bērnu pilsētiņa Event for families with children “Colourful Easter” Event for families with children “Colourful Easter”. Various traditional and non-traditional activities in Easter mood. Hosted by the folklore studio “Vācelīte”, performances by the pop studio “Jūras akmentiņi”. Free
31 Mar.2024 11:00 Zlēku kultūras nams, Zlēku pag., Ventspils novads Easter event at Zlēki Culture House Easter event at Zlēki Culture House. Traditional festive games, egg-rolling. Free admission.