30 Mar.2024 12:00 Bērnu bibliotēka Thematic workshop “Arrival of the Easter” Thematic workshop “Arrival of the Easter” – collective reading and colouring of paper eggs. For pre-school and primary school children. Free
30 Mar.2024 until 23 Mar.2024 Science centre VIZIUM Creative workshop at the Science Centre VIZIUM – “Colourful Easter” Creative workshop at the Science Centre VIZIUM – “Colourful Easter”. There is no Easter without colours and eggs. In the workshop, the science of colour will be explored – what colours are, and why we…
30 Mar.2024 14:00 Olimpiskais centrs "Ventspils" basketbola halle Latvian Youth Basketball League (girls) in the U-14 and U-19 age categories: Ventspils “Spars” – Rēzeknes BJSS Free
30 Mar.2024 12:00 Bērnu bibliotēka Thematic workshop “Arrival of the Easter” Thematic workshop “Arrival of the Easter” – collective reading and colouring of paper eggs. For pre-school and primary school children. Free
30 Mar.2024 until 23 Mar.2024 Science centre VIZIUM Creative workshop at the Science Centre VIZIUM – “Colourful Easter” Creative workshop at the Science Centre VIZIUM – “Colourful Easter”. There is no Easter without colours and eggs. In the workshop, the science of colour will be explored – what colours are, and why we…
30 Mar.2024 14:00 Olimpiskais centrs "Ventspils" basketbola halle Latvian Youth Basketball League (girls) in the U-14 and U-19 age categories: Ventspils “Spars” – Rēzeknes BJSS Free