
Photo author Ventspils novada foto arhīvs

“Little Celebration of the Forest Park” in Puze Forest Park.

13.00-14.00 Green ball for children “Karlson’s Birthday”

13.00-15.00 Horseback riding (for a fee)

15.00-18.00 Event “Stringing the Golden Kokle” (workshops with kokle players from “Kokļu mežs”), free of charge

18.00 – Concert of kokle players. Admission is free of charge.

19.00- Event for young and old “Edžus Tricks” (illusionist Edžus performs), free entrance

20.00- Event “AT un TĀ TĀĻĀK “10 years of THEATRE (Friends of the Theatre meeting)

22.00 Open-air party Spēlē Kaspars Petmanis. Ieeja- 7EUR. (Buffet will be open)

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