“Woody Allen is typically expected to deliver funny stories, and he is known for meeting those expectations. However, Central Park West is not just an eccentric situational comedy but also a sarcastic play—a form of unmasking—and it is this layer of meaning that interests me.”
“On the surface, there’s a situation worthy of an anecdote—spousal infidelity and a series of surprises for all involved. But if you dig deeper, a much more serious theme emerges: no matter how successful or wealthy a person may be, it doesn’t guarantee the presence of high moral values or protect against inner emptiness and negligence. Sooner or later, a person’s true nature is revealed anyway. Moreover, in some situations, the façade, much like gilding, peels off particularly quickly—from both people and relationships. We will do our best to tell and act out this story. It will certainly be funny, but I suspect there will also be reasons to reflect,” the director shares about the play.