Pannas Teātris presents the latest comedy by Danskovīte, the renowned author of contemporary Latgalian plays such as “Latgola.LV” and “Ontans i Anne“.
Director Juris Rijnieks will have the actors speak in the Latgalian dialect, immersing them in small-town life with warmth and humor. “We want something genuine and heartfelt!” is a sentiment often heard. “We want to do things the way we like – simply and sincerely!” And a small town in Latgale is the perfect place for it all to unfold! There, even the cats’ mating season seems to last all year round. Former deputies settle there to spend their retirement years, still seeking to feel important and respected.
And then there’s Eva, a girl who has wandered across European roads, returning to her hometown to start anew. Her visit to her cousin turns the usual rhythm of life upside down, and unusual events begin to unfold. The town policeman perks up and starts ironing his trousers, the local Hare Krishnas sell intoxicating cupcakes, a former deputy discovers a renewed sense of manhood after a midnight striptease, and, of course, Eva meets her Adam, whom she awakens from his bachelor lethargy. A countryside dance, a morning stroll in the mist, a sunrise greeted in tight embraces, and a business venture that brings income all lead Eva to find harmony within herself.
Latgale – a bridge to oneself!