Concert Hall LATVIJA tours offer the opportunity to walk around the building accompanied by a guide, getting to know the rooms available to the audience on a daily basis, as well as behind the scenes, and to learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the concert hall, the secrets of the building, the furnishings, the unique instruments and the wide range of possibilities.

Koncertzāles ēka atzīta par 2019. gada labāko jaunbūvi Latvijā, saņēmusi vairākas balvas starptautiskos konkursos gan par dizaina risinājumiem, gan par energoefektivitātiw un ilgtspējību. The concert hall has high acoustic  indicators, which have been recognized as excellent both by industry professionals and Latvian and foreign artists. Different rooms of the building are  inhabited by 600 existing and future music professionals on a daily basis, but music lovers come to enjoy high-quality music in the evenings.

Organizer:Kurzeme Philharmonic Ltd

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