Photo author SIA "Kurzemes filharmonija"

Publish date 04.08.2023

From 10 August, Theatre House “Jūras vārti” will host two exhibitions at once – in the large exhibition hall, the exhibition “Maigums” (Gentleness) by painter Linda Zīvere, and in the gallery, the exhibition “Miers un kārtība” (Peace and Order) by Māris Upzars.

Linda Zīvere graduated from the Textile Art Department of Riga Secondary School of Applied Arts (1987) and the Master Class of Monumental Painting at the Art Academy of Latvia (1996), however, she spent her first four years at the Academy in the Textile Art Department. Her teachers were professors Rūdolfs Heimrāts, Indulis Zariņš and Aleksejs Naumovs. She holds a Master of Arts degree. She has been exhibiting since 1987, has held solo exhibitions in Latvia and Denmark, is a member of the Artists’ Unions of both countries, and currently lives in Copenhagen.

Her teachers were professors Rūdolfs Heimrāts, Indulis Zariņš and Aleksejs Naumovs. She holds a Master of Arts degree. She has been exhibiting since 1987, has held solo exhibitions in Latvia and Denmark, is a member of the Artists’ Unions of both countries, and currently lives in Copenhagen. In her works, the artist addresses the questions of the inner world of man and its relationship to the order of the Universe. Upzars compares the impression created by Linda Zīvere’s works to the feeling of continuous prayer created by medieval chants. But her large-scale paintings can also have a great inner tension and restlessness, which has on more than one occasion taken over the entire space of even a large exhibition: the painted forms can resemble splashes or eruptions of enormously large brushes, or perhaps the mysterious descent of celestial or earthly events (including patterns or signs) into this place or time.

Artist Māris Upzars invites to the exhibition “Miers un kārtība” and counts himself among those who strive for peace and order, and he continues to search for them, because every time he feels that he has managed to get closer to them, after a while he has to admit to himself that the longed-for goal is far away again. . Already the Greek thinker Plotinus spoke of man’s inability to remain in the higher states of his consciousness. Each such peak is followed by a fall, so that the evolution of human consciousness does not stop. It is possible that continuous movement is the characteristic state of human existence. Therefore we have no opportunity to linger for long in the sunny atmosphere of our achievements. In order not to lose touch with reality, when one reaches a certain level of mastery, one has to return to the role of an apprentice as soon as possible. We need inner landmarks that allow us not to lose ourselves even in total darkness or thick fog. When the source of light is calm and a shadow is created that corresponds to the laws of forming, which makes all spatial forms visible, we can sense our place in the space of the world and understand where the “top” is and where the “bottom” is. It gives us a sense of order in the world and makes us feel safe and calm.

Māris Upzars graduated from the Decorative Sculpture Department of Riga Secondary School of Applied Arts (1987), and studied at the Art Academy of Latvia in the Textile Art and Painting Departments. 1997. In 1997 Upzars graduated from the Indulis Zariņš Monumental Painting Master Class, in 2017 he received his Master of Arts degree, has been participating in exhibitions since 1991, and has held 17 solo exhibitions.

The exhibitions are organised by SIA “Kurzemes filharmonija” and supported by the Ventspils State City Municipality.

A meeting with the artists will take place on 18 August at 17.00 at the Theatre House “Jūras vārti”, and the exhibitions will be on view until 17 September.

Please be informed that during public events, photography and/or video filming will be carried out to ensure openness of information and publicity. Photos and videos may be posted on the website and social media accounts of Theatre House “Jūras vārti”.

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