Photo author Ventspils hronikas arhīvs

Publish date 31.07.2023

Ventspils, known as the flower capital of Latvia, will welcome the spring season of 2024 with more than 112,000 blooming bulbs adorning the City’s squares and parks, Ventspils Communal Administration informs.

Ventspils State City Municipal Authority “Ventspils Communal Administration” has successfully concluded a public tender with SIA “ONAVA” for the purchase of 112,388 individual bulbs and various bulb mixtures for the installation of the City’s spring greenery in 2024. With the warmer spring, the first bulbs will be visible already in April and will be in full bloom in May.

According to the tender, 80,030 tulips will be delivered and planted in the City beds this autumn, of which 14,770 will be early tulips (‘Hermitage’, ‘Prinses Irene’, ‘Pretty Princess’, ‘White Prince’, ‘Sunny Prince’, ‘Flaming Prince’), 6,400 early filled tulips ( ‘Blue Diamond’, ‘Dream Touch’, ‘Pink Star’, ‘Yellow Pompenette’, ‘Vanilla Coupe’), 6,700 late tulips (‘Dordogne’, ‘Kingsblood’, ‘Helmar’, ‘Muscadet’), 20,350 triumph tulips (‘Escape’, ‘Grand Perfection’, ‘Jan van Nes’, ‘Jimmy’, ‘Mistress’, ‘Neper’, ‘Strong Gold’, ‘Passionale’, ‘Pallada’, ‘Calgary’, ‘National Velvet’, ‘Calgary Flames’)), 17,550 Darwin tulips (‘Apeldoorn’, ‘Design Impression’, ‘World Friendship’, ‘Golden Oxford’, ‘Purple Pride’, ‘Spring Break’, ‘Daydream’, ‘Light and Dreamy’), 7,550 lily tulips ( ‘Vendee Globe’, ‘La Perla’, ‘Merlot’), 760 fringed tulips (‘Mon Amour’), 3,250 kaufmanniana tulips (‘The First’, ‘Heart’s Delight’, ‘Stress’), 2,700 Greigii tulips (‘Quebec’, ‘Toronto’).

The beds will also produce 19,410 daffodils – 4,720 trumpets (‘Goblet’, ‘Dutch Master’, ‘Standard Value’ and ‘Mount Hood’), 4,260 large-cupped (‘Bella Vista’, ‘Stainless’ and ‘Red Devon‘), 1,300 poeticus (‘Recurvus‘), and 9,130 botanical daffodils (‘Golden Dawn’, ‘Jetfire’ ‘Canaliculatus’, ‘Prom Dance’), 9,450 crocuses in different colours (‘Golden Yellow’, ‘Grand Maitre’, ‘Large Flowering Mix’), 1,658 hyacinths (‘Woodstock’, ‘Spring Beauty’, ‘Pink Pearl’, ‘White Pearl‘), 1,360 muscari (‘Azureum‘), 480 fritillarias (‘Raddeana‘) and 180 m2 of ready mixes which will flower in May and June.

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